ICOM North America Earns 17 New EPA Certifications
NEW HUDSON, Mich., August 8, 2012 – Icom North America, a leading developer and manufacturer of liquid-injection propane (autogas) systems for commercial and consumer vehicles, has received 17 new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certifications for its patented JTG II Propane Liquid Injection bi-fuel systems.
The new certifications cover approximately 200 2010-2012 General Motors Chevrolet- and GMC-brand light-duty trucks and SUV platforms with 4.8- and 5.3-liter engines. The EPA certifications allow Icom to convert these popular fleet vehicles in the U.S. market for propane/autogas bi-fuel use.
The Chevrolet-brand vehicles include Silverado, Tahoe, Express vans, Avalanche and Suburban. The GMC-brand vehicles include Sierra, Yukon and Savana vans.
Icom’s JTG II system is now available for over 400 vehicle platforms, the most of any liquid-injection system in the U.S. market. Icom’s total number of EPA certifications now stands at 40.
Icom’s EPA certifications now cover approximately three million vehicles, primarily Ford and GM fleet vehicles. The company soon expects to receive additional certifications for Ford, GM and Dodge vehicles.
Albert Venezio, chairman of Icom North America, said: “Icom JTG II Systems are installed at quality vehicle up-fitters and installation centers nationally through the Icom Distribution Network partners.”
“We are continually adding qualified installation centers through our distribution network. Further, Icom works closely with propane fuel supply partners for propane fueling and infrastructure for fleets. Fleets across the country are moving to domestic- and green-propane autogas.”
Venezio added that Jasper Engines and Transmissions Alternative Fuels Division provided Icom with the GM vehicles for integration. Jasper, founded in 1942, is an Indiana-based, employee-owned company that is one of the nation’s largest remanufacturers of a diverse line of drive-train components.
The Jasper Alternate Fuels Division was formed 20 years ago and has over 70 installation locations throughout the U.S. “Partnering with Icom allows us to present the latest liquid propane injected technology on the market and enhances the progress we have already made in the alternate fuels arena,” said Ed Zoglman, division manager. A major federal agency is interested in ordering many systems.
Icom previously had been awarded 23 EPA certifications: two for Ford 6.8-liter E-Series vehicles, 13 for 2009- through 2011-model-year Ford light-duty trucks equipped with 5.4- and 4.6-liter engines covering E-Series vans, Navigators and Expeditions, and eight for all Ford E-Series vans, Expeditions, Crown Victorias, Lincoln Town Cars and Navigators.
JTG II is an industry-leading propane-injection technology currently used by numerous vehicle manufacturers, noted Ralph Perpetuini, CEO of Icom North America.
“Icom has had seven years of exceptional growth and is positioned for a huge increase in future sales” Perpetuini said
As gasoline prices rise, propane continues to have a cost advantage, with more than 95 percent of the nation’s propane coming from the U.S. and the balance from Canadian sources, further reducing dependence on foreign oil. In certain U.S. states, fleet owners benefit from tax credits or rebates as well.
“We believe propane – a domestic fuel source — is the most energy-efficient and practical alternative fuel currently available,” Perpetuini said. “Icom JTG II bi-fuel systems allow vehicles to operate primarily on propane, with gasoline as a back-up source and for extended range.”
Since 2004, Icom North America has been supplying its patented JTG liquid-injection propane systems to leading bus, truck and commercial vehicle manufacturers in the United States. Approximately 150,000 vehicles worldwide have been equipped with the Icom JTG Propane System since 2004. JTG II includes an enhanced multi-valve for rapid filling and an integrated fuel pump for ease of service.
Currently, propane fuel is used primarily on commercial vehicles. Icom’s proprietary vehicle-conversion systems also can be used on any gasoline fuel-injected car or truck, including shuttles, vans, hybrids, taxis, police vehicles or passenger cars.
The company’s patented JTG liquid-propane injection application is a fully-integrated, mono-fuel or bi-fuel engine system. It is designed specifically for use with OEM gasoline engines. The JTG II system often delivers substantial fuel economy improvements when compared to propane-vapor-injection systems, as well as increased power, torque and performance.
About Icom North America, LLC
Icom North America, LLC, founded in 2004, is a U.S.-based company which designs, develops, manufactures, certifies and integrates the patented Icom JTG Liquid Injection Propane bifuel and monofuel systems and additional Icom products.
Icom offers a total fleet solution including JTG II, JTGhp for Direct Injection, JTG-Dynamic for Diesel engines, numerous tank solutions and designs featuring the patented Torodial Tank for commercial and passenger OEM as well as aftermarket vehicles in North America and selected other markets.
All products utilize a high U.S. content. North American headquarters are in New Hudson, Mich. Further information is available at: www.icomnorthamerica.com.
Icom North America Earns Eight New EPA Certifications
NEW HUDSON, Mich., May 14, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Icom North America, a leading developer and manufacturer of liquid-injection propane (autogas) systems for commercial and consumer vehicles, has received eight new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certifications for its patented JTG II Propane Liquid Injection bi-fuel systems.
The new certifications cover all Ford E-Series vans, Expeditions, Crown Victorias, Lincoln Town Cars and Navigators. The EPA certifications will allow Icom to convert popular fleet vehicles in the U.S. market for propane/autogas bi-fuel use.
Icom’s JTG II system is now available for approximately 80 vehicle platforms, the most of any liquid-injection system in the U.S. market.
Icom previously had been awarded 15 EPA certifications: two for Ford 6.8-liter E-Series vehicles and 13 for 2009- through 2011-model-year Ford light-duty trucks equipped with 5.4- and 4.6-liter engines covering E-Series vans, Navigators and Expeditions.
Icom’s EPA certifications now cover an estimated one million vehicles, primarily Ford fleet vehicles. The company soon expects to receive additional certifications for Ford vehicles, as well as for GM and Dodge vehicles.
“The 23 industry-leading liquid-injection EPA certifications Icom has achieved to date cover about 80 popular Ford and Lincoln light-truck and car platforms, allowing wide coverage for fleets,” Albert Venezio, chairman of Icom North America, said. “Icom JTG II Systems are installed at trained vehicle up-fitters and installation centers nationally through our Icom Distribution Network.
“We are continually adding installers. Further, Icom works closely with propane fuel supply partners for propane fueling and infrastructure for fleets. Fleets across the country are moving to domestic- and green-propane autogas.”
JTG II is an industry-leading propane-injection technology currently used by vehicle manufacturers, noted Ralph Perpetuini, CEO and president of Icom North America.
“With increasing customer interest, we estimate that our bi-fuel sales will increase more than 30 percent this year alone,” Perpetuini said.
As gasoline prices rise, propane continues to have a cost advantage, with more than 95 percent of the nation’s propane coming from the U.S. and the balance from Canadian sources, further reducing dependence on foreign oil. In certain U.S. states, fleet owners benefit from tax credits or rebates as well.
“We believe propane – a domestic fuel source — is the most energy-efficient and practical alternative fuel currently available,” Perpetuini said. “Icom JTG II bi-fuel systems allow vehicles to operate primarily on propane, with gasoline as a back-up source and for extended range.”
Since 2004, Icom North America has been supplying its patented JTG liquid-injection propane mono-fuel systems to leading bus, truck and commercial vehicle manufacturers in the United States. Approximately 150,000 vehicles worldwide have been equipped with the Icom JTG Propane System since 2004. JTG II includes an enhanced multi-valve for rapid filling and an integrated fuel pump for ease of service.
Currently, propane fuel is used primarily on commercial vehicles. Icom’s proprietary vehicle-conversion systems also can be used on any gasoline fuel-injected car or truck, including shuttles, vans, hybrids, taxis, police vehicles or passenger cars.
The company’s patented JTG liquid-propane injection application is a fully-integrated, mono-fuel or bi-fuel engine system. It is designed specifically for use with OEM gasoline engines. The JTG II system often delivers substantial fuel economy improvements when compared to propane-vapor-injection systems, as well as increased power, torque and performance.
About Icom North America, LLC
Icom North America, LLC, founded in 2004, is a U.S.-based company which designs, develops, manufactures, certifies and integrates the patented Icom JTG Liquid Injection Propane systems and additional Icom products.
Icom offers a total fleet solution including JTG II, JTGhp for Direct Injection, JTG-Dynamic for Diesel engines, numerous tank solutions and designs featuring the patented Torodial Tank for commercial and passenger OEM as well as aftermarket vehicles in North America and selected other markets.
All products utilize a high U.S. content. North American headquarters are in New Hudson, Mich. Further information is available at: www.icomnorthamerica.com.
November 15, 2011
NEW HUDSON, Mich. – Icom North America, the leading innovator, developer and manufacturer of liquid injection propane systems for commercial and consumer vehicles, has earned eight additional U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certifications for its patented JTG II Propane Liquid Injection bi-fuel systems for 2009 through 2012 model year Ford light-duty trucks equipped with 5.4- and 4.6-liter engines.
Icom expects additional EPA certifications for other popular fleet vehicles and engines shortly.
These certifications allow Icom to convert applicable Ford truck 5.4- and 4.6-liter gasoline vehicles for the E-150, E250, E350, Expedition and Lincoln Navigator platforms covering the 2009 through 2012 model years for propane bi-fuel use. The certification potentially covers more than 300,000 vehicles, mostly focused on Ford Econoline vans.
Since 2004, Icom North America has been supplying its patented JTG liquid-injection propane mono-fuel systems to leading bus, truck and commercial vehicle manufacturers in theU.S. Icom has already achieved two EPA certifications for Ford 6.8-liter, bi-fuel E250, E350 and E450 vehicles.
JTG II includes an enhanced multivalve for rapid filling and an integrated fuel pump for ease of service.
“We believe propane is the most energy-efficient and practical alternative fuel currently available, and it is a domestic fuel source” said Ralph Perpetuini, CEO, Icom North America.
“Icom JTG II bi-fuel systems allow the vehicles to operate on propane almost primarily with gasoline as a back-up source as well as for extended range.”
Albert Venezio, chairman, Icom North America, said, “The 10 EPA certifications Icom has achieved to date cover almost 50 popular Ford light-truck platforms which allow wide coverage for fleets.”
Currently, propane fuel is used primarily on commercial vehicles. Icom’s proprietary vehicle-conversion systems could be used on any gasoline fuel-injected car or truck, including shuttles, vans, hybrids, taxis, police vehicles or passenger cars. Icom’s patented JTG liquid-propane injection application is a fully-integrated, mono-fuel or bi-fuel engine system designed in harmony with OEM gasoline engines.
“When utilizing the Icom JTG system, drivability, performance and torque are equal to or better than gasoline,” Venezio said.
As gasoline prices rise, propane continues to have a cost advantage, with more than 95 percent of the nation’s propane coming fromU.S.and the balance from Canadian sources, further reducing dependence on foreign oil. In certainU.S.states, fleet owners benefit from tax credits or rebates as well.
More than 120,000 vehicles worldwide have utilized the Icom JTG Propane System since 2004.
ATLANTA – Icom North America now brings the environmental and fuel economy benefits of its liquid-injection propane system to diesel-powered vehicles, the company announced today.
Jasper Alternate Fuels, a division of Jasper Engines & Transmissions, unveiled the Icom JTG-Dynamic system, configured for use with an International DT466 engine, at the Southeastern Convention and International Propane Expo of the National Propane Gas Association here. The Icom system allows for use of a 50 percent blend of diesel and propane fuels.
Jasper and Icom are working with fleets that presently use the International DT466 diesel engine to help them control their fuel costs. Jasper Alternate Fuels has over 55 highly-trained installation centers across the U.S. to perform both LPG and CNG conversions on vehicles.
“We are very excited about the release of the diesel/propane blended unit. The industry has been looking for a unit like this that can provide an increase in power and torque plus a cutback of 50 percent of the diesel fuel expense,” said Ed Zoglman, Jasper Alternate Fuels Division Manager. “We tried this in the early 90’s, and while we realized a gain in power, our customers were looking for fuel savings and cleaner emissions. This system has both.”
“Jasper Engines and Transmissions is the nation’s leader in remanufactured vehicle drivetrain components, so it is natural for us to continue to broaden our horizons in alternative fuels, having started the division in the early 1990’s,” said Zoglman. “Jasper is proud to be associated with a company like Icom, which has made such extensive innovations in the alternative fuels field.”
“At Jasper, we realize that our products must meet the needs of a diverse audience. We must also meet our nation’s needs to conserve our natural resources and provide for a cleaner environment,” added Zoglman. “Through remanufacturing, we are able to recycle existing drivetrain products and give them new life and usefulness. Our alternative fuels-related division and alternative fuel engines take this philosophy one step further as we work to combine power and energy needs with cleaner-burning fuels. We truly are a ‘Green Company.'”
Icom North America, LLC, a pioneer developer and producer of liquid-injection propane systems and tanks for commercial and consumer vehicles, is headquartered outside of Detroit in New Hudson, Michigan.
“Icom’s new JTG-Dynamic diesel system powers vehicles with an average 50-50 mixture of liquid-injected propane and diesel fuel. It is the only system for diesels that injects liquid propane, not vapor, which has numerous advantages,” notes Icom’s CEO Ralph Perpetuini. “It is an innovative approach which gives more power, more torque and improved efficiency and reliability while lowering emissions and providing huge fuel cost savings.”
With the Icom JTG-Dynamic system installed, a vehicle can run in either the propane/diesel dual-fuel mode or the original diesel mode. The vehicle’s engine is not mechanically modified, and in the dual-fuel mode the Icom ICU controls and monitors the engine.
The system can be installed on diesel injection engines with electronics specifically programmed for its engine platform. Icom now offers systems configured for International DT466 and Cummins 11.9 engine families with full production in the 3rd quarter of this year, with more engine platforms under development.
Albert Venezio, chairman of Icom, says “the Icom JTG-Dynamic System is a huge breakthrough technology which has many important advantages for vehicle owners, especially fleet operators. It dramatically reduces operating costs because the 50 percent average displacement of diesel with propane allows fleet owners to enjoy the financial benefits of propane. Propane is a cheaper fuel than diesel and also has a 50-cents-per-gallon alternative fuel tax credit. In addition JTG Dynamic reduces pollutant emissions, and helps to reduce petroleum imports, because propane is mostly U.S. sourced, thus strengthening national security and the U.S. economy. It is an all-around winner for diesel fleets.”
Further information is available at: www.jasperengines.com/alternate-fuel.php
NEW HUDSON, Mich. – Icom North America, the leading innovator, developer and manufacturer of liquid injection propane systems for commercial and consumer vehicles, has attained the first U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approval for its Liquid Injection Propane bi-fuel systems for the Ford 6.8 liter engines, produced for Ford Econoline vans.
Ralph Perpetuini, CEO of Icom North America, said his company was given the green light by the EPA to convert applicable Ford 6.8 liter gasoline engines for E-250, E-350 and E-450 platforms covering model years 2010 and 2011 for propane and gasoline (or bi-fuel) use. Most end users of this technology will be commercial fleets of ambulances, shuttle buses, flatbeds, cutaways and cargo vehicles.
“This is the first time the EPA has certified a bi-fuel engine system using liquid propane injection,” Perpetuini noted. “We believe propane is the most energy-efficient and practical alternative fuel currently available.”
“Coupled with gasoline in a bi-fuel engine, propane gives fleet owners the option of refueling with either fuel, providing extended range,” he said. “This is ideal for the fleet user who has numerous delivery vehicles, including those with small fleets at many locations.”
Since 2004, Icom North America has been supplying its patented JTG liquid-injection propane mono-fuel systems to leading bus, truck and commercial vehicle manufacturers in the U.S.
Perpetuini said Icom will add 8-10 new positions later this year at its manufacturing facility in New Hudson, Mich., where the company already has begun production of the EPA-certified bi-fuel conversion system for existing customers.
Albert Venezio, chairman of Icom North America noted: “The patented Icom JTG approach is revolutionary. It injects liquid propane (not vapor) through an actual injector in the vehicle’s manifold. The vehicle’s OEM powertrain control module (or ‘brain’) directly controls our system, eliminating the need for additional computer mapping. Installation is fast and simple,” he said.
Currently, propane fuel is used primarily on commercial vehicles. But Icom’s proprietary vehicle-conversion systems can be used on any gasoline fuel-injected car or truck, including taxis, police vehicles, or passenger cars. Icom’s patented JTG liquid-propane injection application is a fully-integrated, mono-fuel or bi-fuel engine system designed in harmony with OEM gasoline engines.
“When utilizing the Icom JTG system, drivability, performance and torque are equal to or better than gasoline,” Venezio said.
Mike Stone, Icom’s vehicle technical manager noted: “Our emission results were excellent and the Icom JTG system required no powertrain control module calibrations. We are the first system certified to do so.”
As gasoline increases in price, propane continues to have a cost advantage, with more than 90 percent of the nation’s propane coming from U.S. and Canadian sources, further reducing dependence on foreign oil. In certain U.S. states, fleet owners benefit from tax credits or rebates as well.
More than 120,000 vehicles worldwide have utilized the Icom JTG Propane System since 2004.
EPA certifications for the E-series Ford engines paves the way for additional commercial fleet users to consider bi-fuel applications as an ideal way to power vehicles used for long distances.
Icom is expecting additional EPA certifications for popular fleet vehicles in 2011.
Jasper Alternate Fuels Adds Icom JTG Propane Engine System
JASPER, Ind. & NEW HUDSON, Mich.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Jasper Alternate Fuels, a division of Jasper Engines & Transmissions, has signed an agreement with Icom North America to install and service Icom’s patented JTG propane liquid-injection fuel system on commercial fleet vehicles in North America.
Based in Jasper, Ind., Jasper Alternate Fuels expects to sell more than 5,000 Icom JTG systems during the first three years of the Icom National Master Distributor program.
“Jasper has more than 40 highly-skilled installation centers across the U.S. to perform either liquid propane gas or compressed natural gas conversions on commercial vehicles,” said Ed Zoglman, Jasper Alternate Fuels division manager.
He noted that Icom’s liquid-injection systems can be installed on virtually any gasoline vehicle with multi-point injection, providing lower emissions and significant improvements in fuel economy (because of the lower cost of propane), drivability and overall performance.
Icom’s unique JTG system is currently in service on more than 100,000 vehicles around the world in a bi-fuel (gasoline-propane) version. In the U.S., more than 5,000 vehicles now operate exclusively on propane using a “mono-fuel” version of Icom’s system.
Headquartered outside of Detroit in New Hudson, Mich., Icom North America is the U.S. affiliate of Italy’s Icom S.p.A., a pioneer in the development and manufacture of liquid-propane gas-conversion systems and tanks for commercial and consumer vehicle applications.
Zoglman, of Jasper Alternate Fuels, noted that Icom also is working to obtain Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and eventually California Air Resources Board (CARB) certification to convert engines popular with fleets to bi-fuel use (propane and gasoline).
“Jasper Alternate Fuels is well-respected throughout the propane industry as a leading conversion source for propane and CNG powered engines,” said Ralph Perpetuini, CEO of Icom North America. “As interest in propane as an alternative fuel continues to grow, it will lead to increased business for both of our companies and enable the further expansion of the propane vehicle industry in the USA.”
Albert Venezio, Chairman of Icom North America, added “Jasper’s contract with Icom is ideal for the energetic expansion of clean burning propane vehicles as Jasper has a very strong national distribution and a well-trained professional installation network. Jasper is a true ‘green’ company that will enable fleets across the USA to seamlessly move to a domestic and clean alternative fuel source which will increase national security,” he noted.
Jasper Alternate Fuels’ division manager Zoglman said Icom’s bi-fuel system is ideally suited for fleet vehicles, especially high-mileage commercial vehicles.
“Icom’s bi-fuel system allows owners to operate their vehicles in either a gasoline-only or a propane-only mode without affecting normal driving,” Zoglman pointed out. “Installation is non-invasive and the engine’s original computer serves as the main system controller, a feature fleet managers like to see with an aftermarket alternative fuel system.”
ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. and NEW HUDSON, Mich — TransTech Energy has signed an agreement with Icom North America to install and service Icom’s patented JTG propane liquid-injection fuel system on government and commercial fleet vehicles in North America.
Based in Rocky Mount, N.C., TransTech expects to sell more than 3,000 Icom JTG systems during the first three years of the program.
David Kennedy, TransTech’s Alternative Fuels manager, noted that Icom’s liquid-injection systems can be installed on virtually any gasoline vehicle with multi-point injection, providing lower emissions and significant improvements in fuel economy, drivability and overall performance.
Icom’s unique system currently is in service on more than 100,000 vehicles around the world in a bi-fuel or gasoline-propane version. In the U.S., more than 5,000 vehicles now operate exclusively on propane using a “mono-fuel” version of Icom’s system.
Headquartered outside of Detroit in New Hudson, Mich., Icom North America is the U.S. affiliate of Italy’s Icom S.p.A., a pioneer in the development and manufacture of liquid-propane gas-conversion systems and tanks for commercial and consumer vehicle applications.
“TransTech Energy is well-respected throughout the propane industry as a leading contractor for propane storage-facility engineering and construction,” said Ralph Perpetuini, CEO of Icom North America. “Interest in propane as an alternative fuel continues to grow; it will lead to increased business for both of our companies and enable the further expansion of the propane vehicle industry in the USA.”
“TransTech Energy presents a unique opportunity for fleet customers as they not only offer the engine conversions, they are experts in the propane storage and fueling equipment aspect of the business, providing a true turnkey solution to fleets,” explained Albert Venezio, chairman of Icom North America.
TransTech’s CEO Britt Medley said the Icom’s bi-fuel system is ideally suited for fleet vehicles, including taxis; police cars; state, county and municipal fleets, and other high-mileage commercial vehicles. “Icom’s bi-fuel system allows owners to operate their vehicles in a gasoline-only mode without affecting normal driving,” Medley pointed out. “Installation is non-invasive and the engine’s original computer serves as the main system controller, a feature fleet managers like to see with an aftermarket alternative fuel system.”
About TransTech Energy
Based in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, TransTech Energy’s Alternative Fuel Systems Division offers alternative fuel systems for vehicle fleets of any size. From fleet-engine-system conversions — including bi-fuel systems as well as propane diesel injection systems — to autogas fuel dispensing and storage and bulk autogas fuel delivery options, the company handles all aspects of fleet alternative-fuel requirements. It is backed by years of experience and a track record of success. Further information is available at: http://www.transtechenergy.com/alternative-fuel/propane-motor-fuel/.
About Icom North America, LLC
Icom North America, LLC, founded in 2004, is the U.S.-based partner of Icom S.p.A. of Italy, a pioneer in the development and manufacture of patented liquid propane injection systems and tanks for commercial and passenger vehicles. The company assembles the Icom Liquid Injection Propane system and additional Icom products, including the proprietary Icom toroidal and cylindrical propane tank, for commercial and passenger OEM and aftermarket vehicles in North America and selected other markets. North American headquarters are in New Hudson, Michigan. Further information is available at: www.icomnorthamerica.com
TransTech Energy Contact:
Greg Ezzell
Phone: +1.252.557.0727
E-mail: gezzell@transtechenergy.com
Icom North America Contact:
Yvonne Guibord
Phone: +1.248.573.4934
E-mail: yvonne@icomnorthamerica.com
Media Contacts:
Marty Habalewsky or Tedi Falvo
AutoCom Associates
Phone: +1.248.647.8621
E-mail: mhabalewsky@usautocom.com
or tfalvo@usautocom.com
Icom expects to fuel growth through propane conversion
Gas-powered vehicle fleets target of sales
By Ryan Beene
Icom North America L.L.C.‘s CEO expects to double revenue this year to at least $16.5 million, driven by the New Hudson-based company’s new aftermarket sales strategy to convert fleets of gas-powered vehicles to its liquefied propane fuel system.
Targeting vehicle fleets for aftermarket sales is part of a broader strategy at Icom to increase business in North America.
About 80 percent of the propane fuel system components will be manufactured locally in the coming years, half of that at Icom and half sourced to suppliers. Components are currently manufactured by Icom’s parent company, Icom S.p.A., in Italy.
CEO Ralph Perpetuini said the company, which posted about $8 million in revenue last year, is already in talks with municipal departments, utilities and companies to convert gasoline-fueled vehicle fleets to Icom’s bi-fuel system, which enables vehicles to be fueled by either gasoline or propane.
Icom is also building a distribution network throughout the U.S. that will install the systems to convert fleets that buy Icom’s conversion kits.
The company expects the system will be well-received in the U.S., estimating revenue from the bi-fuel conversion system, which costs roughly $6,500 per vehicle, to be $6 million to $8 million in 2010.
The system is new to the U.S. market, but Icom’s global operation, which posted revenue of about $50 million in 2008, has already supplied the system to about 100,000 vehicles worldwide.
“The fleets are really interested in using the propane system on their vehicles because of the convenience,” Perpetuini said, adding that propane is less expensive than gasoline for fleet owners.
Perpetuini said his company will manufacture hoses, most of the propane fuel pump, filters, and assemble the fuel rail — essentially a pipe that connects fuel injectors through which fuel is distributed — locally as it builds up its operation.
Since its 15-employee operation opened in the spring of 2008, Icom North America has supplied liquid propane conversion systems — consisting of patented liquid propane fuel tanks, pumps, lines and injectors — to Livonia-based Roush Industries Inc. and Georgetown, Texas-based CleanFuel USA.
Those companies integrate and install the fuel systems on vehicle engines and market the propane systems to customers.
Roush uses Icom’s sub-system to convert a series of Ford Motor Co. trucks like the F-150 pickup and other heavy-duty trucks to propane, which Roush then markets for sale.
Icom also provides customized propane fuel conversion systems to school bus manufacturer Blue Bird Corp. for its propane-powered buses, which Icom North America Chairman Albert Venezio said is the largest propane-fueled vehicle program in the U.S.
He said the company is on track to increase sales to Blue Bird, Roush and Clean Fuel by $2.5 million in 2010
There are about 5,000 vehicles in the U.S. on the road using Icom’s liquefied propane system, and Perpetuini expects to convert 1,500 to 2,000 fleet vehicles by year’s end.
The national average cost per gallon of propane was $2.69 per gallon while regular gasoline cost an average of $2.64 per gallon, according to the Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report from October 2009, the most recent report available.
Clean Cities is an industry-government coalition that includes the U.S. Department of Energy and more than 80 companies to promote clean technology.
Don Hillebrand, director of the Center for Transportation Research at the Argonne National Lab in Illinois, notes that a gallon of propane has less energy content than a gallon of gas.
On an energy-equivalent basis, it would take $3.72 worth of propane to get the same amount of energy as a $2.64 gallon of gas, according to the Clean Cities report.
The federal rebate on the price of fuel also expired at the end of 2009, making the cost at the pump higher now than just a few months ago, without the tax credits.
But that’s what a consumer would pay, and Venezio noted that fleet owners generally pay about $1.50 to $1.80 per gallon of propane, about 30 percent to 40 percent less than the cost of gasoline for fleets, he said.
Fleet owners can also receive federal tax credits of 50 percent of the cost of installing propane fuel systems for passenger vehicles and light trucks.
Heavy duty vehicles, like the Blue Bird school bus, are eligible for an 80 percent federal tax credit for the conversion cost, which is about $14,000 per vehicle.
About 22,300 liquefied propane vehicles were on American roads in 2008, or roughly 13 percent of alternative fuel vehicles, according to a 2009 presentation by Clean Cities.
That number could grow by 10 percent — 15 percent annually from 2012 to 2020, the report said — by targeting niche markets and pursuing other strategies like extending tax credits to lower the cost of the fuel and the cost to convert vehicles to propane.
Icom is pursuing what the Clean Cities report called a key part of that growth, targeting fleets of school buses, taxis and police vehicles.
Perpetuini said his operation is beginning to develop fuel systems for Ford’s 4.6-liter V-8 engine, which powers the Crown Victoria sedan, which is popular with fleet owners and commonly powers police cruisers and taxi cabs.
“That’s probably the better market for LPG,” Tim Standke, director of automotive operations for Santa Ana, Calif.-based Impco Technologies Inc., said of targeting fleet sales by designing a 4.6 liter V8 engine conversion system.
The market for propane fueled vehicles is only now starting to truly emerge, he said, and fleets can achieve a number of benefits from converting to propane.
“The biggest advantage is that they’re going to save money” with propane compared with the cost of gasoline, Standke said. Another benefit is that nobody can steal a fleet’s fuel supply.
Bi-fuel systems may also be appealing to fleets that operate in an area with poor propane infrastructure or if drivers often have unexpected trips that deplete the propane fuel.
“In areas where you just plain run out of LPG, you can run on gas until you get to a station,” he said.
Ryan Beene: (313) 446-0315, rbeene@crain.com