ICOM at the New England Public Expos Demonstrating Propane Trucks Utilizing ICOM Systems with Partners City of Boston and Eastern Propane Marc Steppey September 21, 2017news
ICOM Receives CARB Certifications Marc Steppey September 21, 2017news CARB Press Release 9.18.2017 (1)
The Growing Use of Propane Autogas Powered Vehicles Across the US Also Creates the Demand of Certified Trained Technicians to Service Them. ICOM North America & NAFTC Have Teamed up to Bring the Knowledge and Expertise that is needed to a Classroom Near You! Marc Steppey August 7, 2017news https://www.bpnews.com/index.php/publications/magazine/current-issue/1311-partners-in-propane-autogas
ICOM, UPAS and MPGA Autogas Seminar in Northern Michigan Marc Steppey July 19, 2017news http://upnorthlive.com/news/local/seminar-shows-benefits-of-propane-fueled-vehicles
ICOM to Host Best 100 Fleets Fleets Event August 24th at the ICOM Up-Fitting and Training Center Marc Steppey July 19, 2017news Click on the link below to register: http://the100best.com/s_schedule.htm
Growing Propane Gallons Within the Industry with Autogas Marc Steppey May 26, 2017news http://www.propanecouncil.org/uploadedFiles/CouncilMain/Site_Content/Markets_Propane_Serves/Autogas/Propane%20industry%20fleet%20white%20paper.pdf
MPGA: From a Fleets Perspective – The Business Case for Propane Autogas Marc Steppey May 24, 2017news LMM Business Case for Propane MPGA PDF 2017 05232017
Agility Expands New Powertrain Systems Unit by Acquiring Certain Propane Assets of CleanFUEL USA Marc Steppey May 12, 2017news http://mailchi.mp/agilityfs/agility-customers-accelerate-launch-of-blue-iq-to-improve-natural-gas-fleet-performance-2409169?e=f3b5151b95
A Breath of Fresh Air – Michigan Rebate Marc Steppey May 11, 2017news Michigan’s Propane Vehicles Springing Up Everywhere
WSDOT Chevy Pickup Utilizing ICOM Propane System Installed by Wolff Specialties on Display at GTSE Marc Steppey May 8, 2017news Password – GoGreen http://www.lindbergmedia.net/Clients/Events/Green-Transportation/i-9DJNTtw/A